
These are some of our recent newsletters.

SAVE 2024 Fall Newsletter


Hello Friends of SAVE,

We are pleased to announce that our Kids Biz Club economics course will be offered to 5th grade students at Roosevelt Elementary School in Bellingham this fall!

How you can help to bring this program to 5th graders in Bellingham.

We are offering this program at a cost of $200 per student. This covers the cost of teachers. You can help with a direct donation to SAVE at or mail a check to SAVENW, PO Box 29753 Bellingham, Wa 98227-1753. Name KBC on your donation and it will go directly to this program.

We would like to hire another Tech Teacher to work with us and learn the program so that we can expand the program. If you know someone who has time on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons have them contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our thanks to John Westerfield, from Yeager’s Sporting Goods for volunteering to be the guest speaker for our course at Roosevelt Elementary this Fall. If you know someone who would also like to assist us at Roosevelt as a volunteer, have them contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For the fun part, check out Roosevelt PTA’s Pint Nite, Tuesday, September 24th, 6-9 PM. The PTA will be using funds for scholarships to the Youth Enrichment programs, including Kids Biz Club.


Roosevelt Elementary Enrichment including

Kids Biz Club Build a Website

Tuesdays and Thursdays


You are invited to attend Beer and Bingo - an opportunity to support Kids Biz Club Build a Website and Roosevelt School Scholarships - on Tuesday September 24, 2024 from 6 pm to 9 pm


Join SAVE in Supporting

Roosevelt Elementary After School Programming Scholarships.

See you there!

Social Alliance for a Vibrant Economy (SAVE) POB 29753 Bellingham WA 98227-1753

2024 Spring Summer Newsletter

Hello Friends of SAVE. We have been busy!

Introducing: Elizabeth Hansen: We are working with Elizabeth to develop a new Economics Program called “A Bridge to the Future” The first part in this series will be “How Money Works” Elizabeth is writing and testing the curriculum currently at a local Learning Program. Elizabeth also helped David Spring develop our Kids Biz Club Program. Below is an image of one of the lessons in our new economics course.

When completed our new program, “How Money Works” will be a series of 1–2-hour lessons that can be taught in trimesters, by our instructors or can be obtained from us in print form for a fee for others to teach.

We are also working with Jennifer Gaer, the volunteer Program Coordinator of Bellingham School District, to reestablish the Kids Biz Club program in two of their after-school programs this fall. Keep watching our newsletter for where we will be teaching this fall. We were pleased to hear that our program before Covid got “rave reviews” at Cordata, and they want us back. Jennifer will also help us reach out to the PTA associations in the district to expand our program in 2025. Jennifer has offered to help us introduce our new program “Money Works” to Principals and Curriculum advisors when it is ready for print.

We need your help!

We will need at least two new teachers this fall, one Business Teacher and one Tech Teacher. If you know someone who has a couple of afternoons a week starting this fall and would like to teach, send them our way. These will both be paid positions. If you know someone who just likes working with kids, we will also need two mentors to help with the classes.

We will be reestablishing both a programming and marketing committee this year. We are looking for 4-5 individuals for each committee from our community. Just drop us an email if you want to get involved. See Join our Team on our website for more information.

Introducing our New Board Officers:

Bill Knutzen President, David Spring Vice President, Kris Halterman, Secretary, Lorraine Newman, Treasurer

Website Remodel: Check out our website We have re-vamped and added new content. Hope you like our video interviews.

Last but not least -- please donate to help support us at

Below is an image of one of the pages from our How Money Works course:

save lesson

December 2023 SAVE Newsletter

Our mission at SAVE is to create courses in economic education as first steps in building a vibrant economy. In the Spring of 2020, we offered SAVE courses at the Lighthouse Mission to help homeless women rebuild their lives by learning how to start their own business. Sadly, our program was canceled due to the Covid lockdown at the end of March 2020.

The Covid lockdown not only suspended our economic education program at the Mission, it also abruptly ended our afterschool education classes being taught at Alderwood and Cordata Elementary Schools. The entirety of the State’s covid closures placed thousands of small businesses in financial jeopardy and a sizable percentage of them closed their doors for good in Washington State – which in turn led to increased employment issues, inflation, and homelessness here.

In 2022, SAVE attempted to restart our program at the Lighthouse Mission. However, the Lighthouse Mission was swamped due to the huge increase in need to feed and shelter the homeless. Covid protocols made hosting the classes difficult, if not impossible, to accommodate in-person classes for the women and men in the Mission’s programs.

In 2023 SAVE has been developing a new economic curriculum called, “Building a Bridge to the Future - How Money Works.” The new curriculum is slated to be introduced in 2024.

We know there is a significant need for economic education in organizations like the Lighthouse Mission and for our schools. We need your help to make this happen in 2024. Please consider SAVE for your year-end, tax-deductible donation of any amount to our address below or by visiting our website at, and hitting the “Donate” button, to contribute.

In addition, we are hoping you can make a year-end, tax-deductible donation to the Lighthouse Mission, by visiting their website:

courtney black





Dave Courtney, President

SAVE, Social Alliance for a Vibrant Economy

To learn more about SAVE’s business education courses for organizations like the Lighthouse Mission, below are some short videos about the need for this program:

SAVE Interview with Hans Erchinger-Davis

This is our interview with Hans Erchinger-Davis, the Director of the Lighthouse Mission regarding the importance of SAVE’s Economic Education program.


 SAVE Interview with Bridget Reeves

This is our interview with Bridget Reeves, the Program Director of the Lighthouse Mission, regarding the importance of SAVE’s Economic Education program.


 SAVE Interview with Jennifer Sefzik

This is our interview with Jennifer Sefzik, a Whatcom County community leader, regarding the importance of SAVE’s Economic Education program.




Thanks to our Great Local Sponsors!

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