Volunteer to be a Mentor

One of our primary missions is to help train teachers and parents how to act as mentors for the next generation. We are therefore looking for parents, teachers and community members interested in mentoring the next generation of innovators. No experience necessary. We will provide you with all the training you need.

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The topics of our first course are covered in detail on the Home Page of our course website, KidsBizClub.org. Basically, we will introduce students to essential economic, networking and computer terms. We then show students how to write a simple business plan and build a simple website over a six week period which includes two one hour class sessions each week.

Before each one hour student class session, we will have a one hour mentor class session in which we help mentors practice the skills they will be assisting students with during the student class session.

So we are looking for mentors willing to commit two hours t twice a week.

The benefits of becoming a mentor is that you will not only be helping the next generation but you will also have a chance to learn about the latest ideas in starting a new business and building a business website. After all, the best way to really learn something is to try to explain it to someone else!

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If you are interested in becoming a mentor, send us an email with your contact information to info (at) savenw (dot) org.

We promise you will have a great time and learn a lot. We look forward to hearing from you!

Thanks to our Great Local Sponsors!

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